Product Overview
FC3101 and FC3102
Version: 3.0
Hardware Description
One FC3102 PROFIBUS fieldbus card behaves in logical terms in the same way as two FC3101 cards, i.e.
all components (with the exception of the PCI interface and the optional NOV RAM) are present in duplicate
on the FC3102 card. Each channel of the FC310x card consists of the following components:
• 80165 25 MHz micro-controller
• 512 k RAM
• 256 k Flash
• 4 k DP-RAM
• Fieldbus interface (Altera 6016 with 48 MHz, RS485 bus interfacing, 9 pole SUB D plug)
• 2 LEDs (1 x green, 1 x red)
• 1 four pin and 1 two pin plug for the bootstrap loading mode
The following components are present in single form only:
• PCI interface (PLX9050: 1 interrupt input per channel, 1 interrupt output and 1 chip select signal for
DP-RAM and 1 reset line for both channels)
• optional 32 k plug-in NOV RAM, addressed via an additional chip-select line
LED indicators - meanings
State of the FC310x
LED display
Red LED on, green LEDs off
Green LED off, red LED flashing (at 10 Hz)
While uploading the bus configuration: red and green LEDs flash (at 10 Hz)
If the associated TwinCAT task was started, the green LED is on, otherwise the
green LED will flash (with 1 Hz)
When all boxes are error-free, the red LED will be off, otherwise it will flash (with
1 Hz)
States of the FC310x
After power-on, the FC310x is in the RESET state. It exits the RESET state when TwinCAT is started and
will enter the OFFLINE state after TwinCAT is stopped (or after a severe bus error). In the OFFLINE state,
the FC310x is not active on the bus.
After TwinCAT has started, or during reading of the bus configuration from the System Manager, the FC310x
will enter the STOP state, in which it is active on the bus, but does not yet carry out data exchange
(Data_Exchange) with the DP slaves. During the TwinCAT start, and also during an IO reset, the FC310x will
be in the STOP state. It will exit the STOP state automatically both during TwinCAT start and during IO reset
and will enter the RUN state.
In the RUN state, the FC310x will automatically establish the DP connections with all configured DP slaves.
As soon as the associated TwinCAT task was started, it will communicate with the DP slaves via
Data_Exchange. As long as the associated TwinCAT task was not yet started, it will only query the
diagnostics. If the associated task is stopped (e.g. PLC STOP, breakpoint in the PLC), the FC310x will
automatically enter CLEAR mode (outputs to 0 or slave-specific response, if FailSafe mode is supported).
Once the associated task is running again, the FC310x will automatically re-enter the OPERATE mode (all
outputs at the values set by TwinCAT).