FC310x as master
FC3101 and FC3102
Version: 3.0
Diagnostic data
Each DP slave can acyclically report DP diagnostic data during data exchange operation. The slave here
sets the Diag_Flag in the response to the cyclic Data_Exchange telegram, as a result of which the DP
master automatically reads the DP diagnostic data from the slave. This does not affect the Data-Exchange
cycle in the Beckhoff DP master, because the DP diagnostic telegram is sent at the end of the cyclic Data-
Exchange cycle, and before the beginning of the next cycle. If the DP diagnostic data read from the slave
has changed from its previous state, the DP master sets the "ExtDiagFlag" variable, which can be linked to a
variable in the control program.
The DP slave's current diagnostic data is displayed in the System Manager on the slave’s
tab. It
can also be read by the control program via
, which will cause the "ExtDiagFlag" flag to be reset
once more:
ADS-Read parameters Meaning
Net-ID of the master (see the device's
0x00yyF181 (yy = station address of the slave)
Offset within the diagnostic data
Length of the diagnostic data that is to be read
Diagnostic data
The diagnostic data contains the slave statistics (32 bytes) and the DP diagnostic data sent by the slave (up
to 244 bytes), and is constructed as follows:
Slave statistics
Receive Error Counter (WORD): The number of faulty telegrams occurring while
communicating with this slave
Repeat-Counter[8] (WORD): The Repeat Counters indicate how many repeats
have had to be made, and how often. Repeat Counter[0] indicates how often a
telegram had to be repeated once for this slave, Repeat Counter[1] indicates how
often a telegram had to be repeated twice for this slave, etc. The maximum number
of retries is set with the parameter
Max Retry Limit
(TwinCAT 2.8: see
tab of the master, TwinCAT 2.9: see
dialog). The
value range is from 0 to 8, therefore there are 8 repeat counters (for 1 to 8 retries)
reserved for extensions
NoAnswer Counter (DWORD): The number of telegrams in communication with
this slave that have not received an answer. The first time that a slave fails to
answer, the telegram is repeated up to
times, but if it does not
answer even then, further telegrams are not repeated.
Last-DPV1-Error[4] (BYTE): The last faulty DPV1 response is entered here (byte 0:
DPV1 service (bit 7 is set, indicating an error), byte 1: Error_Decode, byte 2:
Error_Code_1 (Error_Class/Error_Code), byte 3: Error_Code_2), see description
reserved for future use
from 32