CX8030 / CX8031
Version: 1.6
PROFIBUS diagnostic data
The decentralized CX8031 controller enables you to send diagnostic data from the PLC. You may write your
own diagnostic message for the master and fill it individually with data (see device-specific diagnostic data).
DP Diagnostic Data (DiagData)
The DP diagnostic data consists of six bytes of DP standard diagnosis, along with up to 238 bytes of device-
specific diagnostic data.
When the DP diagnostic data changes, the slave reports this fact to the master, and the master will
automatically fetch the changed diagnostic data. This means that DP diagnostic data is not included in the
DP process data in real-time, but is always sent to the controller a few cycles later.
In TwinCAT the DP diagnostic data is read from the DP Master interface (FC310x, CX1500-M310) using
ADS (see the section describing Slave Diagnosis in the FC310x documentation).