Parameterization and commissioning
CX8030 / CX8031
Version: 1.6
0 = No error
1 = Station deactivated
2 = Station not exists
3 = Master lock
4 = Invalid slave response
5 = Parameter fault
6 = Not supported
7 = Config fault
8 = Station not ready
9 = Static diagnosis
10 = Diagnosis overflow
11 = Physical fault
12 = Data-Exchange left
13 = Severe bus fault
14 = Telegram fault
15 = Station has no ressources
16 = Service not activated
17 = Unexpected telegram
18 = Station ready
31 = only for EtherCAT gateways: WC-State of cyclic EtherCAT frame is 1
128 = slave, waiting for data transfer (or DP-Master in CLEAR-Mode)
129 = slave, waiting for configuration
130 = slave, waiting for parameter
131 = slave, waiting for baudrate
Has no meaning in the case of the slave.
PROFIBUS process data
The CX8031 can exchange up to 240 bytes of process data with the PROFIBUS master in the input and
output direction via PROFIBUS. Various kinds of process data can be defined by means of the GSD file.
The data are transmitted by default in the Intel format. If your controller requires the data in the Motorola
format they must be turned accordingly.
You can proceed in 3 possible ways here.
• Turning the data on the PLC, i.e. on the CX side, with a simple ROR command (example for ST:
VarProfibus:=ROR (VarAnalog,8); (* both variables are of the type WORD*))
• Turning the data on the master side
• Turning the data in the System Manager