Parameterization and commissioning
BK11x0, BK1250
Version: 4.1
A possible call would be:
• AmsNetId:
• Port: 100
• IdxGrp: 3 (3rd terminal after the coupler)
• IdxOffset: 0x0001001F (channel 2 of the terminal and register 31 [code word])
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In this example program (TwinCAT 2.11, BK1120 with firmware 08), AoE and CoE register communication
with a KL3314 (thermocouple terminal) is executed in the PLC. Here, register R34 (user scaling, offset) in
Channel 1 is repeatedly incremented - success can be verified with the KS2000 software or via the
visualization page; to do this, connect a type K thermocouple to channel 1.
Note: In the startup list of the BK1120, entries are available that set the user offset to a start value at each
switch-on or INIT-OP transition.
Beckhoff coupler tables
The Beckhoff BK/BCxxxx Fieldbus Couplers feature internal information lists referred to as tables that are
identified by unique numbers. The BK11x0/BK1250 maps these tables in its CoE directory, see
Tables 0, 9, 90, 98, 99, 100 and 127 are available.
Table 9
Table 9, which maps the scanned state of the added terminals after the coupler is switched on, i.e. the status
with which the terminals have identified themselves at the coupler, is helpful for terminal bus analysis. The
first 63 K-bus devices are listed in CoE index 0x4012 and/or its subindices, the remaining devices in CoE
index 0x4013 , see Fig.
Table 9 with terminal type