Parameterization and commissioning
BK11x0, BK1250
Version: 4.1
In this example program (TwinCAT 2.11, BK1120 with firmware 08), AoE and CoE register communication
with a KL3314 (thermocouple terminal) is executed in the PLC. Here, register R34 (user scaling, offset) in
Channel 1 is repeatedly incremented - success can be verified with the KS2000 software or via the
visualization page; to do this, connect a type K thermocouple to channel 1.
Note: In the startup list of the BK1120, entries are available that set the user offset to a start value at each
switch-on or INIT-OP transition.
Online parameterization of KL terminals via AoE
Access via AoE (ADS over EtherCAT) is useful from TwinCAT 2:11. An additional AoE NetId is required for
the coupler used, so that the TwinCAT-internal ADS router can access it. It is useful to link this AoE NetId
with the PLC program.
The same procedure is described
to access the KL terminals with the KS2000 software via ADS.
Fig. 42: Activation of the AoE NetID
The AoE NetId can be generated in the advanced settings of the BK11x0/BK1250. Optionally, it can be
initialized with a pre-specified (unique!) start value.
After a TwinCAT restart it is available in the ADS router and can be used, for example, from the PLC.
The following applies to ADS accesses:
• AmsNetId: AoE NetID
• Port: 100
• IdxGrp: 0= coupler, 1.. = terminal number
• IdxOffset:
IdxGrp = 0, coupler
IdxGrp> 0, terminal number
High Word
Coupler table, e.g. 99
Terminal channel [0 - 3] for the channels
1 - 4
Low Word