UsE oF thE thErMoMEtEr
Always make sure the probe lens is clean without any damage and the forehead is
power on
Before using the thermometer for the first time, remove
the transparent strip isolating the battery by pulling it away.
Remove the protective cap (do not pull and squeeze the
sides of the cap).
Press the
Measuring body temperature on the forehead
Press the ON/MEM button to power on the device.
Forehead mode is the default mode. You can see the
icon on the screen and
hear two beep sounds.
In this mode, you can hold the thermometer 1 to 3 cm from the central forehead
(Fig. 2) and press the «Scan» button to get the forehead measurement. The time
consuming for measurement might be 1 second.
cAUtion! points for attention
• Forehead temperature is displayed in oral mode. This mode converts the forehead
temperature to display its “oral-equivalent” value.
• Before the measurement, please stay in a stable environment for 5 minutes and avoid
exercise, bath for 30mins.
• Remember to keep the forehead area clean and away from sweat, cosmetics and scar
while taking temperature.
Measuring surface temperature
• After power on, press and hold the
ON/MEM button, and press the “SCAN” button
one time for “Infrared thermometer” mode to see
icon on your LCD display. In this
mode, you can get the target surface temperature.
• When you press the “Scan” button, you will get the real time temperature immediately. If
you press and hold the “Scan” button, the reading of measurement will be continuously
• Applications include temperature measurements for water, milk, cloth, skin
or other objects.
This mode shows the actual and unadjusted surface temperature which
is different from the body temperature.
Notice Mini therm 90x120 v2.indd 14
24/07/13 10:07