KIT Smart&Easy Connector Flow –
Flow monitoring
The optionally available KIT Smart&Easy Connector
Flow allows you to install the pH sensor and the pH
injection point (pH-Minus Liquid Domestic or pH-Plus
Liquid) in a particularly convenient and easy-to-main-
tain location.
The Smart&Easy Connector also includes an integrated
paddle flow switch, which is connected to the
by means of a simple plug-in connection.
KIT Level Automatic Single – Canister monitoring
The optionally available KIT Level Automatic Single al-
lows direct monitoring of the filling level of the canister
for pH-Minus Liquid Domestic or pH-Plus Liquid by
using an easy-to-handle suction lance. When the
canister is empty, a message is shown on the display.
The KIT replaces the supplied foot filter and can thus
be easily connected to the pre-designated level pH
connection and mounted on the corresponding liquid
container with the aid of a screw cap.
In colder temperatures, it is recommended to take the
out of operation (e.g. during the winter
The following instructions show you how to winterise
your pool:
In case of active winterizing
(pool filter system remains in operation)
Stop the filter pump.
Rinse the pump hoses with clear water.
Empty all pump hoses.
Remove the sensor from the holder and store it in its con-
tainer, which is preferably filled with KCl solution or also
with clean swimming pool water. Store the sensor in a dry
and cool, but frost-free place.
Insert a ½" plugs instead of the sensor holders.
Store the canister for pH-Minus Liquid Domestic or
pH-Plus Liquid in a dry and cool but frost-free place.
In case of passive wintering (filter system of the pool is
switched off).
Stop the filter pump.
Rinse the pump hoses with clear water.
Empty all pump hoses.
Close and empty the filter system. Make sure that the
entire pool circulation system is drained as much as
Remove the sensor from the holder and store it in its con-
tainer, which is preferably filled with KCl solution or also
with clean swimming pool water. Store the sensor in a dry
and cool, but frost-free place.
Store the canister for pH-Minus Liquid Domestic or
pH-Plus Liquid in a dry and cool but frost-free place.
Additional Options