Raw milk separation
MAK 3003 Measuring system TIGER / LYNX Operating Instructions, Software version 2.35, BA 190130 (11.07.2022)
Milk quality worse than the quality level of the segment
the quality level of the segment is
Milk quality better than the quality level of the segment
the quality of the collected milk is
Depending on the quality level of the selected segment, a message is displayed
indicating the upgrading or downgrading of the quality level of the segment or
of the milk to be collected (see section 48).
If the selected segment is empty, its quality level is set to the quality of the milk
to be collected.
● Confirm the intake data, intake is started.
At the start of intake, the system always switches to the last selected segment.
If milk is collected which has a different quality than that previously collected,
the system automatically switches to the new segment after reaching the con-
figured changeover quantity without stopping the pump.
If the capacity of a segment is exhausted, the intake is interrupted and a mes-
sage is output.
Confirm receipt of this message. The segments are then displayed with quality
level and filling level in %.
If free segments of the required quality exist, the next free segment of this qual-
ity is proposed.
Quality change
Segment full