Raw milk separation
MAK 3003 Measuring system TIGER / LYNX Operating Instructions, Software version 2.35, BA 190130 (11.07.2022)
Possible messages for raw milk separation
The quality of the milk to be collected is better than the quality level of the se-
lected segment.
If the segment is empty, the quality level is upgraded to the quality of the milk
to be collected.
If milk is already in the segment, the milk to be collected is downgraded to the
quality level of the segment.
A segment was selected with a quality better than the quality of milk of the cur-
rent intake. The milk intake leads to the downgrading of the quality level of the
segment to the quality of the current intake for the remaining duration of the
It is not possible to intake milk into the selected segment, the attempted change
of the preset quality level is not released by the configuration.
The currently selected tank segment is full. Select a different tank segment (see
page 44).