Data transfer to the office
MAK 3003 Measuring system TIGER / LYNX Operating Instructions, Software version 2.35, BA 190130 (11.07.2022)
Data transfer to the office
The recorded data are transferred via an internet connection using the config-
ured FTP server.
You can start the data transfer in the main menu (see also section 14.1).
The disk symbol at the bottom left of the display indicates that the vehicle has
data to send.
Tough the soft key
. The submenus of the main menu are displayed.
Confirm the menu item "Transfer Data".
A symbol on the display indicates that the data are being transferred.
All as yet not transferred tour data are transferred to the designated server.
The data are processed there in the format specified for the dairy and made
available for the dairy to collect.
The flashing disk symbol in the bottom left corner of the display disappears
when the data have been transferred.
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