Lindsay Transportation Solutions Sales and Services, Inc
(888) 800-3691 [U.S. toll free] or +1 (707) 374-6800
0 - 1.2 m (0 - 4 ft)
This section deals with installation of a Flared X-Tension system in a roadside guardrail terminal
end application.
Apart from the initial set out, the flared X-Tension and installation procedure is identical to the
Tangent system, the only difference being the amount of offset used.
Site preparation
The Flared terminal may be installed either parallel to the edge of the roadway (tangent) or with
the impact head end of the rail offset by up to 1.2m (4 ft) away from the road (Figure 28) in a
straight flare, over the length of the system.
The system should not be installed on parabolic
Ensure that the area where the X-Tension is to be installed is flat enough so that the anchor will
not protrude more than 75 mm (3 in) [100 mm (4 in) max] above ground level, when measured
with a straight line over a 1.5m (5 ft) cord. Minor site grading may be required.
Figure 28. Maximum offset is 1.2 m (4 ft).
X-Tension - Flared Installation Instructions