*SIM card is located on the underside of installed modem
Cell Modem
Antenna Cable
SIM card*
Micro USB
Cellular Antenna Placement
Figure 2. DXM1200 base board
1.2 DXM Automation Protocols
The DXM1200 supports the following automation protocols.
Modbus RTU
The DXM1200 manages separate physical ports running the Modbus RTU protocol. The DXM1200 is the Modbus
Master when operating the Modbus master RTU port. The DXM1200 uses the master Modbus RTU bus to
communicate with locally connected Modbus devices or uses the Banner wireless radio to communicate with
remote Modbus devices.
Modbus TCP/IP
A host system acting as a Modbus master can access the DXM1200 using the Modbus TCP/IP protocol over
Ethernet. Standard Modbus port 502 is used by the DXM1200 for all Modbus TCP/IP requests.
All internal registers are available to the host system concurrently with Modbus RTU.
By default, Modbus TCP/IP master is active. If you are using the DXM as a Modbus TCP master, configure the
DXM1200 using Modbus TCP rules in the DXM Configuration Software.
The Ethernet port is actively running EtherNet/IP. From the factory, the DXM1200 is configured to read and write
registers on DX80 wireless devices 1 through 16. Custom individual local register configurations can be set with the
Protocol Conversion field in the DXM Configuration Software.
By default, EtherNet/IP is active.
EtherNet/IP registers are limited to 228 registers set as E/IP Originator to DXM and 228 registers set as DXM to
1.3 DXM Modbus Overview
The DXM1200 uses internal 32-bit registers to store information. The processor's internal Local Registers serve as the main
global pool of registers and are used as the common data exchange mechanism. External Modbus device registers can be
read into the Local Registers or written from the local data registers.
The DXM1200, as a Modbus master device, exchanges data using the Local Registers. Modbus over Ethernet (Modbus/
TCP) uses the Local Registers as the accessible register data.
Sure Cross
DXM1200-Bx Wireless Controller
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