6 LCD and Menu System
The LCD has four user-defined LED indicators, four control buttons, and an LCD display. The four buttons control the menu
system on the LCD menu.
Banner Eng
ISM Radio
System Config
System Info
I/O Board
The top-level menu always displays the time in a 24-hour format.
• The up and down arrows scroll through display items.
• The enter button selects the highlighted items on the display
• The back button returns to a previous menu option.
The left display column shows an arrow at the beginning of the line if the
menu has submenus. The right column shows a vertical line with an
arrow at the bottom if the user can scroll down to see more menu items.
The DXM1200 can be configured to require a passcode be entered before the LCD and Menu system will operate. The
passcode configuration is defined in the DXM Configuration Software.
6.1 Registers
The Registers submenu displays the processor's local registers that can be configured using the DXM Configuration
To configure these local registers, launch the DXM Configuration Software. Go to Local Registers and expand the view for a
local register by clicking on the down arrow next to the register number. In the LCD Permissions field, select None, Read,
Write, or Read/Write.
List of Local Register
Values and the Register Name
to change the value
to accept
to return to the previous menu
↑ ↓
Read allows the register to be displayed, and Write or Read/Write allows the register value to be changed using the LCD.
The Units and Scaling parameters are optional and affect the LCD.
6.2 Push
The Push menu displays information about the last data sent to the Webserver.
Trigger Data Push
Trigger Data Push
to change the value
to accept
to return to the previous menu
↑ ↓
Time (hh:mm:ss)
The user can force an immediate push to the webserver using Trigger Push. If a current push is in process it may take
several minutes to complete over cellular.
• The Trigger Push submenu forces an immediate push to the web server.
• The status and time fields indicate success or failure of the last attempted push and time of the last attempted push.
Sure Cross
DXM1200-Bx Wireless Controller
www.bannerengineering.com - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767