8.5.3 Configure your Ethernet Connection
To send email based on a threshold rule or to email log files, first define the network and email servers. When selecting
Ethernet, go to the Settings > Ethernet screen.
1. To define the Ethernet IP address, give the DXM1200 a static IP address. In most cases you may select the device
to use DHCP and have the IP address automatically assigned.
2. DNS settings are not typically required. The DXM1200 uses a public service to resolve Domain names, but if the
network connection does not have Internet access, the DNS settings may be required.
Figure 25. Settings > Ethernet screen
8.5.4 Configure your Cellular Connection
To use a cellular connection, select Cell as the network connection on the Settings > Cloud Services screen (see
the DXM Controller for a Cellular Modem
on p. 33). The Cellular screen does not display unless the Network interface is set
to Cell.
Using a 4G LTE cell module requires a cellular plan; follow the instructions on p/n
to activate a cell modem.
1. On the Settings > Cellular screen, select your cellular modem from the drop-down list.
2. Set the APN.
• If you are using a Banner 4G LTE Verizon Module (LE910), set the APN to
• If you are using an Emnify 3G GSM Cellular Radio (HE910), set the APN to
. This module does not require
an APN username or password.
• If you are using a third-party SIM card, the APN, APN Username, and Password must be provided by the
cellular service provider.
8.5.5 Set the Email and Messaging Parameters
From the Settings > Notifications screen, enter the SMTP definition, login, and password for a mail server.
Important: Only the DXM100 and DXM150 models offer SMS/text messaging capabilities.
To send email, you must supply the SMTP Server, Server Port, and login credentials. When you are only sending SMS
messages over cellular, the SMTP Server is not required.
The default SMTP port is 25 but may need to be adjusted for Ethernet-based networks. Note that many facilities block port
25. Port 587 is another common SMTP submission port.
The SMTP password is not stored in the XML configuration file, but on the DXM1200. After the password is entered, click
on Send SMTP Password to send it to the DXM1200. The password is stored in non-volatile memory, so reboot the
DXM1200 to recognize the new password.
When using a GMail server, select Situational encryption and Enable SMTP authentication. The GMail server will not allow
you to send email alerts using the cellular interface. GMail may notify you that you must allow access for less secure apps in
your email settings.
For other email servers, the parameters may vary and will require information from the provider.
Sure Cross
DXM1200-Bx Wireless Controller
www.bannerengineering.com - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767