4. Type in a name into the name field.
5. Select the slave address. In this example, we will read from Slave ID 4.
6. Select the starting register and ending register. In this example, we will read from register 1 through register 6.
7. Select the beginning local register on the DXM1200.
8. Enter a polling frequency. In this example we have entered five seconds.
9. If necessary, select the error condition. For this example, if the read function fails after three attempts, the read rule
writes 12345 to the DXM1200 local registers. Notice the list of local register names this read rule is using.
Step 3: Define the Time Zone and Set the Time Clock
Use the Settings > System screen to define the time zone and daylight saving option. The time zone and DST options are
saved into the configuration file.
Figure 8. Settings > System > Device Time
If you connect the DXM1200 to a computer, click Sync PC Time with Device to set the time on the DXM1200 to match the
time of the computer.
Step 4: Save the Configuration File
To save your configuration file:
1. Go to File > Save As.
2. Enter a file name and save the file. The file name cannot contain spaces or special characters.
Step 5: Connect the DXM1200
1. Connect the DXM1200 to the computer using the supplied Pico-
style to RJ45 cable. This is an Ethernet connection.
2. From the Device menu, select Connection Settings.
3. From the dialog box, select TCP/IP and enter the IP address of
the DXM connected to the computer or local area network. Select
Serial if you are connecting to the DXM using the internal micro
4. Click Connect to connect to the DXM1200.
Figure 9. Connection settings pop-up window
Step 6: Send the Configuration File to the DXM1200
1. From the Device menu, select Send XML Configuration to Device.
2. Select the configuration file to load. The software will have pre-selected the file name you have previously saved.
Important: The software only loads a file to the DXM1200. Internal parameter settings that are changed in
the tool but not saved to the file will not be sent to the device.
After the file is selected, the software uploads the file to the DXM1200. The DXM Configuration Software reboots the
controller after the configuration file finishes uploading. The new configuration is only read at startup and always requires a
reboot or power cycle to take effect. It will take a few seconds for the DXM1200 to reboot.
Important: If the power cycles to the DXM1200 while the DXM Configuration Software is connected, close
the USB port from the software and unplug the USB cable. Reconnect the DXM1200 by plugging the USB
cable into the DXM1200, then select Device > Connection Settings.
Sure Cross
DXM1200-Bx Wireless Controller
www.bannerengineering.com - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767