10 Product Support and Maintenance
10.1 File System and Archive Process
The DXM file system consists of two physical components: the serial EEPROM that stores non-volatile configuration
information and a removable micro SD card that stores file backup data and user created files.
EEPROM Files—The serial EEPROM stores basic data that is required to be non-volatile, including network configuration
data, IP address, MAC address, network masks, firewall settings, and authentication information. The controller XML
configuration file created by the DXM Configuration Software is stored in EEPROM. The small section of non-volatile local
registers is also stored in EEPROM.
Micro SD Card Files—The micro SD card contains most files at the root level. The archive directory contains files kept by
the system for history backup. Archive files are stored in the directory _sxi and are only accessible by removing the SD
• Data Log Files
• HTTP Push Files
• User created ScriptBasic file
• ScriptBasic program file
• CmVMon file
• _sxi Archive directory
Data Log files
Users may create up to four data log files using the DXM Configuration Software. The log files are stored in the root
directory on the SD card. When the file size limit is reached, the filename is changed to include the date and time
and the file is moved into the archive directory _sxi. If a finished log file is to be e-mailed, it will be done at this time
and then moved into the archive directory. Archived log files are deleted based on the Clear Logs parameter.
HTTP Push File
If the DXM1200 is configured to send data to a webserver or host system, the device creates an HTTP.LOG file on
the SD card. The HTTP log is created only if the Logging Interval is non-zero and the HTTP enable log is set. An
entry is placed in the HTTP log file at the Logging Interval specified by the user. At the Push Interval time, the HTTP
log file is sent to the webserver or host system. If the transmission is successful, the HTTP log file is time stamped
and placed into the archive directory (_sxi). If the transmission fails, the file remains in the root directory and
subsequent Logging Intervals are appended to the file and are sent at the next Push Interval. See
on p. 52.
User Created ScriptBasic Files
Users may use ScriptBasic to create files on the SD card by using the FILEOUT function. The filenames are fixed
and up to five files can be created in the root directory.
ScriptBasic Program File
The main ScriptBasic program that runs at boot time is stored on the SD card in the root directory.
CmVMon File
The CmVMon.txt file (Cellular milli-Volt Monitor) is created by the system and is used to track power events. Every
power-up cycle is date/time stamped with the voltage read from the I/O board. The value 24487 is equal to 24.487
volts. If the voltage drops below 11.2 V, another entry is put in the log file indicating the cellular modem will shut
2015-09-22 18:52:43
Power entered normal range 24487
2015-10-13 20:49:47
Power entered normal range 24004
2015-10-16 15:00:20
Power entered normal range 24014
2015-10-19 19:12:26
Power entered normal range 12845
_sxi Archive Directory
Only two types of files are moved into the archive directory: data log files and HTTP log files. Data log files are date/
time stamped and placed into the archive directory when the size limit is reached. HTTP log files are date/time
stamped then placed into the archive directory when they are successfully sent to the webserver or host system. If
the HTTP log files were not successfully sent after the retries have been exhausted, the files are placed into a root
directory called sav.
Sure Cross
DXM1200-Bx Wireless Controller
www.bannerengineering.com - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767