Chapter 9
Basic Troubleshooting
Power Failure During Operation
When the power fails (the machine stops while the ironing cylinder is at working temperature) it
is essential to immediately isolate the ironing belts from the ironing cylinder.
This can be accomplished by feeding a thick and wet cloth into the machine while rotating it using
the crank handle provided (the crank handle must be accessible at all times, its primary position
is on the right hand side panel of the machine).
Having removed the wing nut to flip the red safety plate, insert the crank handle into the opening
on the right side panel of the machine.
If necessary, feed a very wet piece of laundry into the machine several times in order to cool the
roller down as quickly as possible.
At least two people are required to perform this operation in case of an emergency; one or two to
feed the laundry while one turns the crank handle. Replace the wing nut on the right side panel
of the machine after handling, as it closes a safety interlock switch which enables the control panel
to receive power.
Other Faults
If the machine does not start (the roller does not rotate) or if the machine suddenly stops,
check the emergency stop devices (emergency stop button, finger-safety plate or wing nut
on the right side panel). After deactivating the emergency stop devices, restart the machine
by pressing the START button.
If the safety plate (red plate covering the infeed belts) is triggered while the machine is op-
erating, the machine will stop. Start the machine back up again immediately by pressing the
START button (to avoid damaging the belts).
If other faults or unusual noises occur (rubbing, banging, etc.) stop working and contact