BG 800 300 BE / A (0105) TPG 300
hold down
Time for consideration
Parameter stored
If «SA u» or «SA H» is selected (store user parameters),
you will be asked to enter a code before storage takes
place. This is a protection against inadvertent or unau-
thorized manipulations on the operating states of the sen-
sors or the parameters. In this mode the unit may be un-
locked in the same way.
If you do not wish to modify the lock, then push <funct>
three times.
Pushing <step> until the bar graph is completely dark
causes the parameters to be stored. When the storage
process is finished, the bar graph lights again.
After storing, your unit will work with the newly stored pa-
rameter set.
If you release <step> before the bar graph is completely
dark (time for consideration), nothing will be stored.
Code 0
TPG can be operated without entering a
Code 1–1998 TPG can be operated when a correspond-
ing code is entered
Code 1999
TPG can be operated only when this par-
ticular code is entered (code cannot be