The burner is equipped with a mounting flange which slips
on the burner head. When applying the burner to the boiler,
it is necessary to correctly position the flange so that the
burner head enters the furnace to the extent specified by
the boiler manufacture. When the burner has been
correctly fastened to the boiler, proceed with connecting in
to the gas pipeline. The dimensions of the gas adduction
pipeline should be in function with it’s length and with gas
delivery according to UNI regulations. It must be perfectly
hermetic and adequately tested before the burner is general
inspection. It is indispensable to install a suitable pipe union
in the pipeline, in proximity to the burner, to allow for easy
disassembly of the burner and opening of the boiler door.
The DUNGS mod. MB... valve incorporates a filter and a
gas pressure stabilizer and, therefore, only a cut-off cock
and an anti-vibration joint have to be fitted onto the gas
adduction pipeline. Only if the gas pressure were above
the maximum value allowed by regulations (400 mm. W.C.)
would it be necessary to install a pressure reducer on the
gas pipeline outside the heating plant. We advise installing
a bend directly onto the burner gas ramp before applying
the removable fitting. This layout makes it possible to open
the boiler door, if there is one, after the fitting itself has
been opened. The above is clearly illustrated in the following
drawing (see BT 8871/GB).
The electric lines should be at an adequate distance from hot parts. It is advisable to make all connections with
flexible electric wire. Minimum section of conductors 1.5 mm
. (CEI 64/8 3.I.07).
Switch off the general switch, if the thermostats are off, and voltage goes to the command and control device
which, after a short interval (9 second), will start uf the burner according to the set program. The air gate servomotor
switches and goes into 2nd flame position; than the fan motor goes into operation and makes the combustion
chamber preventilation. At the end of the preventilation phase the combustion air gate is reset in the 1st flame
position. The ignition procedure will then start and, after 3 seconds, the safety valve and “first flame” (pilot light)
valve will open up. A flame will then apper, which will be detected by the flame control device, thus completing the
ignition procedure. The air shutter control servo will then be switched on, which will move to the second flame
setting, as set by the operator in each specific case, and at the same time an auxiliary contact on the servo will
activate the second flame valve. If the flame does not light, the burner will go into the “safety shutdown” state, 3
second after the opening of the gas valves (pilot and safety). If a “safety shutdown” occurs, the gas valves will be
closed immediately. To go out of the shutdown state, press the red button on the burner unit.
Pipe fitting
Vanne gas DUNGS multibloc
Door opening direction
BT 8871