3 / 18
The start of the burner is described as above. Only the burner start release
must be forthcom-ing from the power control unit, i.e. the actual value must
be correspondingly below the set-point value.The burner starts only when
the signal "Burner On" and the release are forthcoming from the load
control unit. Only when the burner is ON and the "Control release" signal
has been given does the power control unit function. The load default for the
compound is then set via the in-tegral power control unit. It is dependent on
the difference between the actual and the set-point value and the adjusted
control parameters. Should the actual value exceed the adjusted maximum
value, the power control unit switches off the combustion.The power control
unit is only active in the "automatic" mode.
If the burner firing-rate controller is configured as "controlled by
atmospheric conditions" the setpoint value can be shifted between
the parameterised setpoint minimum and setpoint max-imum
by connecting another Pt100/Pt1000 temperature sensor to the
terminals 25, 26 and 27. In the realize by atmospheric conditions,
the outside temperature is a component of setpoint calculation. This
allows the operator to enter a minimum and a maximum setpoint,
between which the outside temperature can determine the final
setpoint value.
Fig. 9-1 Control by atmospheric conditions
With the option "Control by atmospheric condition" you may realise
an external setpoint pre-setting.
You can switch the setpoint with the input "setpoint switchover" at
terminal 5. If you use a ver-sion with fixed setpoint value it is possible
to select one of the two values, which are entered in the parameters
P0048 and P0050 with this contact.If you have activated the control
by atmospheric conditions additionally, you can select be-tween two
pairs of limit values (see control by atmospheric conditions and limit
ranges). The parameters for setpoint 1 (for setpoint switching) and
setpoint min. 1 (for control by atmos-pheric conditions) are equal.
Likewise the parameters setpoint 2 and setpoint min. 2. The cor-
responding content is assigned according to the configuration.When
activating the "control by atmospheric conditions” option and setting
the adjustable pa-rameters, you may realise an external setpoint
default. In other words, the setpoint can be ad-justed manually or
automatically via a potentiometer (or switched through resistors).
By connecting a change-over switch, you can implement a night-time
reduction instead of control by atmospheric conditions. A control by
atmospheric conditions and a night-time reduction can be realised
simultaneously, if you combine the control by atmospheric conditions
with the set-point switching.