Thank you for purchasing this car.
This instruction manual is applicable to the X55 series. Before using the vehicle for the first time, please read this instruction manual carefully and familiarize
yourself with the vehicle structure, various functions, usage methods and relevant regulations of the company as soon as possible. Any loss caused by failure to
follow the instructions in the instruction manual or modified by the company, you will lose the right to file a claim. The contents of the instruction manual will
help you master the correct way to drive and maintain your vehicle so that you can fully enjoy driving.
This instruction manual is intended to provide you with instructions on the use and maintenance of the vehicle. Please check the car purchase contract for the
specific configuration of the vehicle you purchased. If you have any questions about this car and this instruction manual, please contact BAIC Authorized dealer.
The pictures, data and instructions contained in this User's Guide are in accordance with the product definition at the time of preparation. In view of the continuous
modification and improvement of the vehicle by the company, the pictures, data and instructions contained in the instruction manual are only used as an
introduction to the method of use, and are not used as the basis for acceptance of the order.
We will continue to improve all models, so we reserve the right to make changes to any part of the vehicle, equipment or technical specifications at any time.
Data relating to delivery scope, appearance, performance, size, weight, fuel consumption, specifications, and vehicle function are all correct at the time of
printing. Some of the equipment/features described in this article may not be available on your vehicle (please contact BAIC Authorized dealer for details). All
information, illustrations or descriptions in this User's Guide are not considered legal commitments.
The Company reaffirms that it is solely responsible for the revision of this User's Guide and reserves all rights and rights of modification as stipulated in the
Copyright Law.
No part of this User's Guide may be reproduced, copied, or translated without our prior written consent, and may not be reproduced, stored in a public retrieval
system, or transmitted electronically, mechanically, or in any other form.
Summary of Contents for SENOVA X55
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