B -TEC GmbH • Zunftweg 6-8 • D-31303 Burgdorf / Ehlershausen • Telephone : ++49(0)5085-97100-0
Fax : ++49(0)5085-97100-30 • Email : [email protected] • www.btecsystems.de
EU-Declaration of Conformity According to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17050-1
Herewith, we declare that the machines and marketed models described in the following conform in
conception and in design to the relevant fundamental safety and health requirements of the applicable
EU directives.
All of our manufactured or assembled parts conform to the listed regulations.
If you change the machine without our explicit agreement, this declaration will be herewith invalidated.
Product type: Spraying-gun cleaning-device
Type designation: d-800
Construction year: 20_ _
The machines conform to the following regulations:
The following harmonising standards have been used:
Safety of machinery, equipment and facilities: DIN EN ISO 12100 : 2011
Machines for surface cleaning, aqueous and combustible liquids: DIN EN 12921-1:2011-02
Non-electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres: DIN EN 13463-1
General rules and safety requirements for pneumatic-systems: DIN EN ISO 4414
Special national norms are applied:
Guidelines for facilities to clean work pieces with liquid detergents: DGUV rule 109-010
Safety- and health signs at workplace: DGUV regulation 9
Ex declaration: II 2 G c II B T6
Responsibility for technical documents: Hans-Joachim Bödrich, Michael Bellroth
Address: Refer to manufacturer´s address
Location/Date/Manufacturer`s signature
Function of the signer: Managing director
equipment and facility engineering
Machinery Directive 2006/42/EG
Explosion-Protection Directive 94/9/EG
; Registered with: PTB 0102 / R.Nr.: 05 ATEX D 116
as from 20.04.2016 directive 94/9/EG is going to be replaced and conforms the directive 2014/34/EU!
Hannover, 02.01.2016
Zunftweg 6-8
D-31303 Burgdorf / Ehlershausen