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B.M. Tecnologie Industriali
Via Praimbole 13
35010 LIMENA (PD)
VAT No. IT02459940280
Tel. +39 (0) 49 884.16.51
Fax +39 (0) 49 884.16.54
E-Mail [email protected]
and the device will display
M 9 0
0 . 0 0 0 0 %
S t r e n t h + Q u a l i t y
S = x x x , x x x Q = x x
D e t e c t N o S i g n a l
This window displays the strength and the quality of the signal with numbers from 00.0 to
means that there is no signal, 99.9 means that the signal is at its max. value.
In normal working conditions the strength signal should be around 60.0.
During installation, quality and strength have to be at their max. values.
and the device will display
M 9 1
T O M / T O S * 1 0 0
1 0 0 , 2 5 %
This window displays the relationship between the transit time and the measured time. In
normal working conditions, it should be 100 +/- 3%. Bigger differences indicate an error in
mounting or the setting of wrong parameters.
and the device will display
M 9 2
F l u i d S o u n d V e l o c i t y
1 4 8 2 . 5 6 m / s
This window displays the speed of sound through the fluid. In normal working conditions,
the value should be similar to the one indicated in menu M21. big difference indicate an
error during the sensors mounting or an error in the setting of M21.
and the device will display
M 9 3
T o t a l , D e l t a T i m e
6 2 3 , 8 0 u S
2 4 2 , 1 2 n S
This window displays the total transit time and the UP-DOWN difference between transit
times. The values give information about the installation. In normal working conditions the
difference is less than 10%.