For further assistance, please contact your reseller, or check the product’s support pages on the Axis
website at http://www.axis.com/techsup.
No audio
Check that:
PC sound card, speakers and microphone are correctly connected
the Mute button is not pressed
the volume in and volume out settings are correct
all cabling is connected
the value of the Post Content Length in your proxy server is 1MB or more. You may need to contact your
system administrator to do this.
No full-duplex function
Incorrect configuration. Check the setting in the camera’s Setup pages.
Sound card does not support full-duplex. For information on how to check if your sound card supports
full-duplex, please visit www.axis.com and see the support section for Axis camera products.
Poor performance
Too many users/clients connected. Try limiting the number of clients allowed to connect.
Low bandwidth. Reduce the Speed setting on the Audio settings page. Setting lower speed will reduce any
break-up in the sound, but will also increase the transmission delay. If running in Full-Duplex mode, try
switching to Half-Duplex mode.
Feedback (whining/screeching sound from
Poor positioning of speakers and/or microphone. Relocate the speakers or microphone so that they do not
point towards each other, and/or lower the volume.