Section 5: Access Control and Set-up
AXIS 850/950 User’s Manual
CD-ROM Server Set-up
Various aspects of CD-ROM server operation can be customized
using the config.ini file in the config folder. By editing this file you can
for example set up the SMB server name, switch off SCSI termination,
activate or deactivate the NetWare, SMB over NetBIOS/NetBEUI,
SMB over NetBIOS/TCP/IP and NFS protocols, set up Internet and
SNMP parameters or set the current date and time.
A typical config.ini file for an Ethernet CD-ROM server is shown in
the example below. The config file for a Token Ring CD-ROM server
also includes the server parameter SourceRouting.
Continues on next page
; Axis 850/851 CD-ROM Server Parameter List, version V2.10.0 May 1996
HardwareAddress = 00:40:8c:cd:0d:e8 ; can't be changed
Date = 95-01-01 ; yy-mm-dd, append '!' to set
Time = 18:07:14 ; hh:mm:ss, append '!' to set
FactoryDefaults = no ; yes/no
SCSITermination = on ; on/off
InternetAddress =
DefaultRouter =
NetMask =
BOOTPEnable = yes ; yes/no
RARPEnable = yes ; yes/no
EnableNetBIOS/NetBEUI = yes ; yes/no
EnableNetBIOS/IP = yes ; yes/no
Domain/GroupName = WORKGROUP
ServerName = AXISCD0DE8
SMBFrameType = auto ; auto/802_2/dix
NFSEnable = yes ; yes/no