Reference: Configuration options
Avira Professional Security - User Manual (Status: 23 Sep. 2011)
Automatic update
If this option is enabled, automatic updates are performed for the enabled events at
the specified interval.
All n Day(s) / Hour(s) / Minute(s)
In this box you can specify the interval at which the automatic update is performed. To
change the update interval, highlight one of the time options in the box and change it
using the arrow key to the right of the input box.
Start job while connecting to the Internet (dial-up)
If this option is enabled, in addition to the specified update interval, the update job is
performed every time an Internet connection is established. (Option available in expert
mode only.)
Repeat job if the time has already expired
If this option is enabled, past update jobs are performed that could not be performed at
the time specified, for example because the computer was switched off. (Option
available in expert mode only.)
via web server
The update is performed via a web server using an HTTP connection. You can use a
proprietary web server on the Internet or a web server on an intranet, which obtains
the update files from a proprietary download server on the Internet.
You can access further settings for updating via a web server under:
Configuration > Local protection > Update > Web server
If this option is enabled, you can configure the Web server and, where
necessary, the proxy server.
via file server / shared folders
The update is performed via a file server on an intranet which obtains the update files
from a proprietary download server on the Internet.
You can access further settings for updating via a file server under:
Configuration > Local protection > Update > File server
If this option is enabled, you can configure the file server you are using.