If AVG Download Manager was not able to identify your Proxy settings you have to
specify them manually. Please fill in the following data:
Server - enter a valid proxy server name or IP address
Port - provide the respective port number
Use proxy authentication - if your proxy server requires authentication, tick
this check box.
Select authentication - from the drop-down menu select the authentication
type. We strongly recommend that you keep to the default value (the proxy
server will then automatically convey its requirements to you). However, if
you are a skilled user, you can also choose Basic (required by some servers)
or NTLM (required by all ISA Servers) option. Then, enter a valid Username
and Password (optionally).
Confirm your settings by pressing the Apply button to follow to the next step of AVG
Download Manager.
4.4. Select License Type
In this step you are prompted to choose the license type of the product you would like
to download. The description provided will allow you to select the one that suits you