If you select manual configuration (check the Manual option to activate the
respective dialog section) you have to specify the following items:
Server – specify the server’s IP address or the name of the server
Port – specify the number of the port that enables Internet access (by
default, this number is set to 3128 but can be set differently – if you are not
sure, contact your network administrator)
The proxy server can also have configured specific rules for each user. If your proxy
server is set up this way, check the Use PROXY authentication option to verify that
your user name and password are valid for connecting to the Internet via the proxy
Automatic configuration
If you select automatic configuration (mark the Auto option to activate the respective
dialog section) then please select where the proxy configuration should be taken
From browser - the configuration will be read from your default internet
From script - the configuration will be read from a downloaded script with
the function returning the proxy address
Autodetect - the configuration will be detected automatically directly from
the proxy server