Avante International Technology, Inc.
Avante International Technology, Inc. provides full service support for all VOTE-
TRAKKER™ systems with several levels of supports.
Full service support: For a defined fee, Avante will provide on-site support before and during
an election for each county. This may include the assistance in ballot generation, transporting
and installing of machines for the election, and election tabulation and assistance.
Contract support as needed: Each county that purchases the system may ask for a fixed fee
for each service rendered.
5.1 System warranty
Avante provides a one-year on site warranty for parts and labor.
An extended 5-year warranty after the first year is available.
On-site maintenance can be arranged.
5.2 System corrections under warranty
The factory provides all of the warranty and services. The system comes with complete
transporting case for ease of transport.
Special on-site services can be arranged if required.
5.3 Error Messages
If during any operation of Vote-Trakker™, you experience an error that is not resolved, please
copy the message down and list what actions you were taking which caused the error. Also, if
possible, try to replicate the error procedures on another machine.
There are three types of errors:
Something is missing / not available – The Vote-Trakker™ sensed that a component
is not available.
You performed a function incorrectly – Either by entering in the wrong information
or by not being complete in your entry.
5. Operation Support