Avante International Technology, Inc.
The next screen allows you to set up the Database name, Login user name and Password for the
new database, Figure 4.1.1 K. If you do not supply a password a warning screen appears but it
will allow you to continue without a password. This is not recommended. Always keep a record
of the database name, login user name and password for future reference and audit purpose.
Press “OK” to continue. If you choose “Quit” the system will return to the voting module login
screen Figure 4.1.1F and load the last ballot used.
The computer will begin to set up the new database. A horizontal status bar will appear on the
screen to show the progress. Wait until you see the next screen, Figure 4.1.1L.
This confirms that the ballot information has been successfully transferred onto this voting
machine. A new database has been set up for the upcoming election. Press “OK” to continue.
Vote-Trakker serial number
You cannot change it.
You can change the Database name,
Login user name and Password
Figure 4.1.1K
Figure 4.1.1 L