Avante International Technology, Inc.
upper right hand corner of the keyboard unit. Please press on it now.”
The VOTE-TRAKKER™ will wait till a key is entered. If the key is incorrect, the
VOTE-TRAKKER™ will say “Please try again.” If it is correct, the script continues-
“You have found the minus key. This minus key is used to ask the machine to repeat
reading the current contest from the beginning. The third key is the control key, located at
the lower left-hand corner of the keyboard. Please press on it now.”
The VOTE-TRAKKER™ will wait till a key is entered. If the key is incorrect, the
VOTE-TRAKKER™ will say “Please try again.” If it is correct, the script continues-
“You have found the control key, this key is used only when you want to cast your vote
and finish your voting. The fourth key is the escape key, located at the upper left-hand
corner of the keyboard. Please press on it now.”
The VOTE-TRAKKER™ will wait until a key is entered. If the key is incorrect, the
VOTE-TRAKKER™ will say “Please try again.” If it is correct, the script continues-
“You have found the escape key, this key works as a fast forward key to let you skip an
instruction or a candidate. Please remember, if you selected a wrong candidate; do not
panic because you can correct it later before you press the control key to finish your
voting. If you are familiar with the arrow keys on the keyboard, you have an option to use
the down arrow key to skip to the next candidate or press on the up arrow key to go back
to the previous candidate.”
The voice type and speed are then selected with a series of interactive questions. The
flow of the script is shown in Figure 4.5A