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connection with the devices this panel is changed. The text characters, just after the
application start as in Figure 1, are black and barely readable and no button is active. Now
they are white and well visible and the ACQUIRE & SOLVE button is now active.
The operations to be performed in this panel are essentially two:
The Exposure Time
choice in seconds, depending on the scope aperture and the camera
QE, shall be experimentally determined (usually start with 5 sec and increase or decrease
on the base of the results).
The CCD binning
allows adjacent pixels to be combined obtaining benefits in terms of
faster readout speeds and improved signal to noise ratios albeit at the expense of reduced
spatial resolution. The chosen value depends on the CCD characteristics.
The three check boxes under the target coordinates allow performing some fine-tuning
The first, “SOLVE After GOTO”, enables the start of the solving process (image shooting
and solving) immediately after the GOTO, without any operator manual request.
The second, “Sync After GOTO”, enables the syncing of the mount to the center of the
target just resolved.
The third check box, “RECENTER After GOTO”, allows the telescope to move again to the
original target coordinates to exactly center the target.
Below the button there is another check box enabling the syncing of the mount to the loaded
image solved position.
The use of the X-Solver application for performing a very quick and precise centering of the
chosen target is quite simple: