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the StarGO hardware (item #1 of Fig. 2.1). If at the end of the previous session the mount
has been correctly parked, the main GUI panel will appear
as follows:
Figure 4.1c – Main Panel with the mount parked
If the mount has not been not parked or after the UNPARK button is pressed, the GUI will
look like this:
Figure 4.1d - Main Panel with the mount unparked
A quick click on the LED or on one of the directional arrow buttons will activate the sidereal
tracking and the LED will remain on (same
as the physical LED on the StarGO) obtaining
the same result of a brief pressure of the mentioned physical button #11 in the StarGO
Just as holding the red power button on the StarGo Control Box for longer than 5 seconds
will cause tracking to stop, a double click on the LED symbol will have the same effect. The
red LED on both StarGO Control Box and the LED software symbol will flash as tracking
stops. This action will initiate a warning message and a confirmation to stop the tracking