Setting the system details (Settings & Maintenance)
12 Band EQ Library in Presets
12 Band EQ Library
You can import/export 12-band EQ patterns to be applied to audio
outputs as a preset.
EQ Preset
A setting in which the EQ patterns for all
bands are saved.
A group that includes all presets.
Changing a preset name
1. Click the preset name you want to change.
2. Enter the new preset name.
Exporting a preset/library
1. Click the radio button corresponding to the preset number from
which you want to export.
• Clicking the button selects the preset (the color turns to blue).
• When exporting a library, you need not select all applicable presets.
2. Click “Export” from “EQ Preset”/”Library”.
3. Set the save location/file name, and export the file.
Importing a preset/library
1. Click the radio button corresponding to the preset number to
which you want to import.
• Clicking the button selects the preset (the color turns to blue).
• When importing a library, you need not select all applicable presets.
2. Click “Browse” from “EQ Preset”/”Library” and select the
external file.
3. Click “Import” from “EQ Preset”/”Library”.
• The preset/library is imported.