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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
If the retainer -1- for the cover -3- has broken off on the air
intake box of the heating and air conditioning unit or on the
service cover, the cover can also be secured using a self-tap‐
ping screw -2- (e.g. 3.5 x 16 mm or 4.0 x 16 mm; see Electronic
parts catalogue ETKA).
There is more than one version of the dust and pollen filter
Filter element without service flap in
glove box
Risk of injury from knee airbag.
♦ Before handling pyrotechnic components, the mechanic
must discharge any static electricity. Observe the safety
precautions for working on airbags ⇒ General body re‐
pairs, interior; Rep. gr. 00 ; Safety precautions; Safety
precautions when working on pyrotechnic components .
The dust and pollen filter is fitted behind the glove box.
Removal steps:
– Remove glove box ⇒ Rep. gr. 68 ; Shelves / trim panels;
Removing and installing glove box .
– Remove footwell vent (passenger's side) ⇒ Rep. gr. 87 ; Air
duct system; Removing and installing vent (front) .
– If fitted: Remove knee airbag ⇒ Rep. gr. 69 ; Knee airbags;
Exploded view - knee airbag .
Audi R8 2015 ➤
Maintenance - Edition 03.2016
3. Maintenance