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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
♦ Spark plug socket and extension - 3122B-
♦ Puller - T40039-
♦ Torque wrench - VAS 6583- , measuring range 3 to 60 Nm
Table of tightening torques for installation:
Spark plugs
Securing bolts for coolant expan‐
sion tank
Securing bolts for bracket for cool‐
ant expansion tank
Securing bolts for connector rail
Removal steps:
– Remove engine compartment trim (left and right) ⇒ Rep. gr.
53 ; Trim panels; Removing and installing engine compart‐
ment trim (left and right) .
– Pull cover -1- for coolant expansion tank off upwards
Audi R8 2015 ➤
Maintenance - Edition 03.2016
3. Maintenance