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Tyre repair kit: checking that set is com‐
plete, and checking and recording expi‐
ry date
The tyre repair kit is located in the luggage compartment with the
vehicle tool kit.
– Check that the following components of the tyre repair kit are
♦ Compressor
♦ Tyre filler bottle incl. filler hose
– Take out the bottle and check the expiry date (printed on bottle
– Record expiry date in Maintenance table.
– If expiry date has been exceeded or if bottle has already been
used: Renew tyre filler bottle.
Wheel bolts: tightening to specified tor‐
Special tools and workshop equipment required
♦ Torque wrench - V.A.G 1332- , measuring range 40 to 200 Nm
♦ Or: torque wrench - V.A.G 1576- , measuring range 80 to 400
Table of test values and procedure guidelines:
Tightening torque [Nm]
Wheel bolts
The adapter for loosening and tightening anti-theft wheel bolts is
included in the vehicle tool kit.
– Tighten wheel bolts in a diagonal sequence to specified torque
(see table of test values and procedure guidelines
– If adapter for anti-theft wheel bolts was used from tool kit: Put
adapter back in tool kit.
Audi R8 2015 ➤
Maintenance - Edition 03.2016
3. Maintenance