: Serial number: It is the serial number for the file generated, and is arranged in time order. The smaller the
interval between the occurrences of a file, the larger the serial number is.
: Starting time: It is the starting time for recording the data of a file.
: End time: It is the end time for recording the data of a file.
: Interval: It is the time interval for recording with the recording interval set in the recording configuration
: Trigger of recording: It is the condition for triggering of recording with the triggering conditions set in
the recording configuration displayed.
: State: The recording state of the current file is displayed, and the file states are as follows:
Under recording: It means the file is recording data.
Manual stop: It means the file ends recording for the configuration data are modified.
Power-down stop: It means the file ends recording for the instrument is powered off.
Alarm stop: It means the file ends recording for the alarm is cancelled.
Timing stop: It means the file ends recording for the set end time is reached.
: Total time for recording: Calculate the total time for recording.
: Progress bar of storage capacity (Note: It appears when the recording mode in the recording
configuration is non-cycling.)
: Operation keys:
Press the "Switch" key to switch to other displays
Press the "Up" key to check the file list upwardly
Press the "Down" key to check the file list downwardly
Press the "Page Up" key to check the file list of the previous page
Press the "Page Down" key to check the file list of the latter page
Press the "Curve" key to switch to the historical curve menu indicated by the arrow so as to check the
data of the historical curve, and press the "Back" key to return to the file list menu from the historical curve menu
Press the "Backup" key to switch to the backup menu so as to spare single historical file or all historical
file (please refer to 5.10 Backup Menu for the specific operation), and press the "Back" key to return to the file list
Note: 13 stored records are displayed on one screen in terms of this list.
4.9 Menu for Printing (available for instruments with printing function)
The paperless recorder can print historical data and curves with the serial mini-printer connected to the
RS-232 printer port. The baud rate of the printer is "4800" with 8 data bits and no odd-even check
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Paperless Recorder