: Time scale: It means the length of time per grid and the time scale is related to the recording interval.
Please refer to the instruction described in 4.3 Real-time Curve Menu for details.
: Data curve: 6 curves can be displayed simultaneously on the common screen at most (6 curve colors,
which can be set through display configuration).
: Grid: It is for users to estimate time and data values.
: Time represented by the current grid
: Curve combination: The name of the current curve combination is displayed. (Each curve combination
can include 6 curves; users can put the associated channels into a curve combination according to their own
demands so as to facilitate the comparison of data between channel groups.)
: Retrospection time: It is written in the type of "year-month-day, hour-minute-second".
: Scale: The percentile scale of the curves is displayed.
: Channel name: It can be set. (Please refer to Input Method of Channel Bit Number for the setting
method.) The background color is the same as the color of the corresponding curve.
: Unit: Data unit of such channel is displayed and can be set. (Please refer to Input Method of
Channel Unit for the setting method.)
: Indication of the ultralimit alarm: From the upper to the bottom, the squares represent the ultralimit alarm
marks of ultimate upper limit, upper limit, lower limit and ultimate lower limit respectively; grey means there is
no alarm function; green means not to conduct alarm; red/pink means to conduct alarm.
: Display/hidden mark of curves: "
" means to display the curve, or means to hide the curve.
: Operation keys:
Press the "Switch" key to switch to other displays
Press the "<< Forward" key to retrospect data forwardly based on the current retrospection time
Press the "Backward >>" key to retrospect data backwardly based on the current retrospection time
Press the "Time scale" key to switch time scale
Press the "Previous group" key to check the previous curve combination
Press the "Latter group" key to check the latter curve combination
Press the "Time" key to modify retrospection time
4.7 Alarm List Menu
This menu is for displaying the alarming records of channels, and is under the state of relay output. At most
100 alarming records can be kept, and the new alarming records will replace the former ones when there are 100
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