Mounting a twin pipe terminal extension pipe(s) for balcony outlet
When the free outlet is hindered by an eave, balcony, gallery or anything
else, the air supply pipe and the flue discharge pipe must be extended to
at least the front side of the overhanging part.
When the air supply is not disturbed by obstacles, such as a console or
separating wall, and when the outlet is not at the edge of a building, the
air supply pipe does not need extension.
Extend the flue discharge pipe and, if necessary, also the air supply
pipe of the terminal with standard flue discharge and air supply
pipes to the correct length required.
Slide the flue discharge pipe and, if necessary, also the air supply
pipe into the discharge and supply pipes of the terminal.
Ensure the pipes slope back to the appliance.
Mount the outlet grids to both pipes.