You can assign System Speed Dial codes to selected telephone numbers and store
them in your system so that people can reach the numbers by dialing the abbreviated
codes. Before programming System Speed Dial codes, please read the following
information and fill out the System Speed Dial Directory in the Appendix.
System Speed Dial codes may be unmarked or marked. Marked codes are very useful
for alternate long distance company numbers, access codes, and other numbers you
may not want everyone in your business to know.
• When a person uses an unmarked System Speed Dial code to make a call on
a restricted voice terminal, the telephone number the code represents is sub-
ject to the same outward and toll restrictions as a normally dialed number. Also,
if your system has Station Message Detail Recording, the phone number
represented by the System Speed Dial code, not the code itself, is listed in the
“Number Dialed” field of the SMDR report [see “Administering SMDR (Station
Message Detail Recording) Options", page 99].
•If a person makes a call using a marked System Speed Dial code, however, the
restrictions applied to the voice terminal do not apply, unless the voice terminal
is outward-restricted without any allowed lists. An outward-restricted voice ter-
minal with an empty allowed list assigned to it can be used to dial a marked
System Speed Dial code. If the caller uses a marked System Speed Dial Code,
the phone number dialed is not recorded by SMDR. Instead, the System Speed
Dial code (for example, #63) is printed. The use of marked codes preserves the
confidentiality of access codes and account numbers.