Automatic Route Selection Worksheet
If you plan to use Automatic Route Selection (ARS), there area few things
you should consider before you enter any information into the ARS tables.
Supply the following information to the Automatic Route Selection
Worksheet on page 171 to help you fill out the ARS tables.
1. Enter the number of exchanges in your local calling area in the space
provided at the top of the worksheet.
2. Enter your Pool Numbers (9, 890 through 899) in the column labeled
Pool Numbers. If you use a line for different types of calls, enter the
pool number once for each type of call with an explanatory note. For
example, if a firm in Atlanta, Georgia (in the 404 area code), a state
with two area codes, has an in-state WATS line, the administrator
makes these entries:
Number of Area Codes or
Type of
Exchanges for which Pool
Line Type
Should Be Used
890 for
Band 0
T (L)
All except exchanges in
area code
local calling area.
890 for
Band 0
(T) L
area code
3. Enter the line type such as Local, Foreign Exchange (FX), WATS, etc.
for each Pool Number you have entered.
4. Circle the appropriate letter for the type of calls to be dialed on each
line pool.
T = Toll A toll call is a series of digits that begins with a 1 and is
immediately followed by an area code. When dialing a toll call,
you dial a total of 11 digits [1 + 3 (area code) + 3 (exchange) +
4 (number)].
L = Local Any call that does not fall under the definition of toll. This
includes plain 7-digit dialing as well as 1 + 7-digit dialing.
5. Enter the number of area codes or exchanges that you want each of
your line pools to service. You may enter a phrase such as “All ex-
cept Band 1 WATS area codes” rather than a specific number.
6. To select the default routing for toll calls, determine which pool number
serves the greatest number of area codes. You will enter this infor-
mation in the Default Toll Table on page 180. To select the default
routing for local calls, determine which pool number serves the
greatest numbers of exchanges. You will enter this information in the
Default Local Table on page 180. Record the default pool numbers
in the spaces provided at the bottom of the worksheet.
7. Continue to plan your use of the Automatic Route Selection feature
at box Y.