Administering Night Service With Time Set
If your MERLIN system includes the optional SMDR module, you can administer
the system to turn Night Service on and off automatically for all your voice terminals.
All you need to do is enter the times at which you want Night Service to go on and
off each day. Attendants can override this automatic operation and turn Night Ser-
vice on or off manually, if they prefer. You can also suspend Night Service with Time
Set indefinitely, then reactivate it when you want to return to timer-controlled opera-
tion of Night Service.
For example, Primo Foods’ hours of business are 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday
through Friday. Frank has administered Night Service with Time Set to turn Night
Service off and on at these times and to leave Night Service on continuously from
Friday evening until Monday morning.
All of Prime’s voice terminals except those on the Night Service Exclusion list are
protected from unauthorized use by Night Service with Outward Restriction. As a
result, Frank and the attendants must enter a password if they want to turn Night Ser-
vice on and off manually. For example, on days when Prime’s receptionist gets to
work before 8:00 a.m., she turns Night Service off manually by touching Night Ser-
vice and dialing the password. The system turns Night Service on as usual at 5:30
An attendant can override a single setting of Night Service with Time Set, as in the
example above, but only the administrator can suspend timer-controlled operation
indefinitely. For example, Frank has to suspend operation of Night Service with Time
Set in order to provide telephone security at Primo during unusual events such as
weekday holidays. Say that New Year’s Day falls on a Wednesday, and Frank wants
Night Service to stay in effect from Tuesday night through Thursday morning. He
suspends Night Service with Time Set and activates Night Service manually at 5:30
p.m. on Tuesday. It stays on until Thursday morning, when Frank turns it off manual-
ly. During that day, he reactivates Night Service with Time Set. The system resumes
control of Night Service and turns it on as usual at 5:30 p.m.
You can use Time Set for Night Service whether or not you are also using Outward
Restriction. As you administer your system, remember that:
• If you have entered on and off times only, your system will turn Night Service
with Extra Alert and Group Assignment on and off automatically at those times.
• If you have entered on and off times and a 4-digit password, your system will
turn Night Service with Extra Alert, Group Assignment, and Outward Restric-
tion on and off automatically at those times.
You can use the procedure shown below to establish, change, or remove timer set-
tings for your system. If you want Night Service to remain on for the full 24 hours on
days when your business is closed, don’t set start and stop times for those days. If
you administer stop and start times for Friday and Monday, for example, but set no
times for Saturday and Sunday, your system will turn Night Service on Friday even-
ing and leave it on until Monday morning.
Keep in mind that if you change settings for the current day while Night Service is
in effect, the system turns Night Service off automatically. For example, if today is
Thursday and you change the time Night Service should go off on Thursdays, Night
Service will go off immediately. If this happens, you’ll need to reactivate it manually,
as described on page 95.