1. Outside temperature. If _
_ _°C appears on the screen,
then there is no outside sensor
connected or it is not working.
2. Pressure of central heating
The correct pressure has to be
between 1.4 and 1.7 bar. Also
have a look at the boiler to read
the water pressure allowing you
a proper check and top up if
required. You may also refer to
the boiler’s manual.
3. Central heating’s input tem-
perature inside the boiler
4. Burner capacity
0% = off or low setting
100% = full load
The symbol on the standard
screen tells you whether the
burner is on.
5. Hot water temperature (Not
every boiler type displays this
6. Hot water quantity (in litre/
min (±10%) for a combination
7. 1: Boiler operational for
hot water (or the waiting time
0: boiler not operational for hot
8. Central heating’s return tem-
perature inside the boiler
9. Current room temperature
(as measured by the clock ther-
mostat). This value is accurately
displayed per 0.1°C.
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