Chapter 12
Chapter 12
12.6 Upgrade Firmware
ASUS may from time to time provide you with an update to the firmware
running on the SL6000/SL6300. All system software is contained in a single
file, called an image. Configuration Manager provides an easy way to upgrade
the new firmware image. To upgrade the image, follow this procedure:
Figure 12.8 Firmware Upgrade Page
1. Log into Configuration Manager, click the System Management menu
and then click Firmware Upgrade submenu. The Firmware Upgrade
page displays, as shown in Figure 12.8.
2. In the Firmware text box, enter the path and name of the firmware im-
age file. Alternatively, you may click on [Browse] button to search for
it on your hard drive.
3. Click on [Apply] button to update the firmware. Note: it may take up
to 5 minutes for the firmware upgrade. Note that after the transfer of
firmware is completed, SL6000/SL6300 will reboot to make the new
firmware in effect.