Chapter 9
Chapter 9
9.9.5 Time Range
With this option, you can configure access time range records for eventual
association with access rules. Access rules associated with time range record
will be active only during the scheduled period of time. If the Access rule
denies HTTP access during 10.00hrs to 18hrs then before 10.00hrs and after
1800 hrs the HTTP traffic will be permitted to pass through.
When you configure Time range record they are saved in the Time Range (or
schedules) database. One time range record can contain multiple time periods,
for example:
Office hours on week days (Mon-Fri) can have the following periods:
a. Pre-lunch period between 9:00 and 13:00 Hrs
b. Post-lunch period between 14:00 and 18:30 Hrs
Office hours on week ends (Saturday) can have the following periods:
a. 9:00 and 12:00 Hrs
Such varying time periods can be configured into a single time range record.
Access rules can be activated based on these time periods.
1. To add a new Time Range, choose the Add New option in the drop
down list, enter the Time Range Name in the text box.
2. Only if you’d like to have a multiple time period range such as the one
mentioned above you need to add a Schedule and not otherwise. In
such a case, you can choose the Add New option in the drop down list.
Select the starting and ending days of the week. Enter the time during
which you’d like to allow the traffic in the Time field in hh:mm format.
3. Finally click on the [Add] button to create a new Time Range or Schedule.
4. To view the existing or the configured time ranges, choose the Time-
range name in the drop down list.
5. To delete an existing Time-range or Schedule, choose the Time-range
name or the Schedule in the drop down list and click on the [Delete]