“SSL Settings” menu
Operating manual U 158 -
Version 10-2018A
page 42
This table allows you to:
Upload a device key (click on the “Search” button and select the preferred file; then click on the
“Upload key” button)
Delete an existing device key (click the “Clear key” button)
Upload a device certificate (click on the “Search” button and select the preferred file; then click on
the “Upload certificate” button)
Delete an existing device certificate (click the “Clear certificate” button)
Regenerate a device key and device certificate (click the “Regenerate” button)
If you change the activation or deactivation status of inputs or outputs in one of the two tables, then
click on the “Submit” button below the last table to save your changes. Click on “Reset form” to restore
the original settings.
The device administers two keys/pairs of certificates: “generated” and “user”. The following figure
shows which certificate and which key are used.
Figure 46: Using the certificates/keys
User has deposited
User key exists and fits
to certificate?
Use user key and
Use user certificate and
generated key
Use generated
crtificate and key
Does user certificate
fit to generated key?