“TS processing” menu
Operating manual U 158 -
Version 10-2018A
page 36
You can complete the settings for the NIT processing in the table which follows.
Figure 35: “NIT Processing” table
In the „Mode“ drop down list you can choose from the following options (depending on the chosen mode
there are different options available):
No NIT will be generated.
Static NIT:
If you choose this mode a static NIT will be generated. In line „Use different NIT
on RF2“ you can generate a second NIT for the second output by activating the radio button „Yes“.
When the radio button „enabled“ is activated in line „Update Service List Descriptors of NIT file“,
the static NIT-file will be updated dynamically with information, that describes the services of each
transport stream. Therefore it is reasonable to link the modules in this part of the net via the file
„Modules.xml“. This enables writing of the service list descriptors of all transport streams.
Whn the radio button 2enabled“ is activated in line „NIT Verification“, an external NIT is used. In
this case the module can adjust the actual configuration to the configuration specified in the NIT
and alarm in case of any deviation. You can find these information in the „NIT“ menu.
In line „NIT Insertion Interval“ you can type in the output rate of the NIT in milliseconds. 8000 ms
for example means that every 8 seconds a complete NIT is generated.
Dynamic NIT:
If you choose this mode a dynamic NIT will be generated.
Every NIT has a version number. In line „Set Version of NIT“ you can define a specific value for
this number. That value will then be incremented with every change of the NIT. This is useful for
synchronisation of different facilities. In case of redundancy switching from one facility to the other
would not change the NIT.
In line „NIT Insertion Interval“ you can type in the output rate of the NIT in milliseconds. 8000 ms
for example means that every 8 seconds a complete NIT is generated.
Remap NIT from PID:
If a NIT should be existant in the data stream under a PID other than
0x0010, it can be used via remap filter in the output data stream. To do so you must choose the
desired input channel from the drop down list in line „Source NIT“ and type in the input PID for the
output channel into the input field.
When the radio button „enabled“ is activated in line „NIT Verification“, an external NIT will be used.
In tis case the module can adjust the actual configuration to the configuration specified in the NIT
and alarm in case of any deviation. You can find these information in the „NIT“ menu.
In line „NIT Insertion Interval“ you can type in the output rate of the NIT in milliseconds. 8000 ms
for example means that every 8 seconds a complete NIT is generated.
Remap PID from PID Slave:
This mode can not be selected and is displayed only for infor-
mation purposes on the modules. It belongs to the mode „Remap NIT from PID“. A module that is
operated in this mode acts as a master if other modules are synchronised via the „Modules.xml“
file. In this operating mode the master stes every module into the „Remap NIT from PID Slave“
mode. It transmits a NIT, tt can be found on the chosen IP-RX channel and the chosen PID.
When the radio button „enabled“ is activated in line „NIT Verification“, an external NIT will be used.
In tis case the module can adjust the actual configuration to the configuration specified in the NIT
and alarm in case of any deviation. You can find these information in the „NIT“ menu.
In line „NIT Insertion Interval“ you can type in the output rate of the NIT in milliseconds. 8000 ms
for example means that every 8 seconds a complete NIT is generated.
Click on the “Submit” button below the table to save the changes.
Click on “Reset form” to restore the original settings.