You can use the arrow keys to switch between the function pages, the icon on the top bar will be
highlighted to reflect which function you are viewing.
To add a new alarm:
• When in the alarm screen, scroll down to the bottom of the screen and select the plus button in the
middle (select key) to add a new alarm.
• To change the time of the alarm, use the down and up arrow keys to modify the time setting which
is highlighted. To change between the hours, minutes and AM/PM, use the right and left arrow keys.
Changes to the alarms will be saved automatically, so you can click the right context button to exit the
application once complete or scroll down to add more alarms.
Enabling/Disabling an alarm:
• When in the alarm screen, use the arrow keys to scroll through the alarms. There are two separate
icons on the right of each alarm which can be selected. The toggle icon will indicate whether the
alarm is enabled or disabled.